The Outdoor Program is one of the most important part of the Scouting experience. The PLC (Patrol Leaders Council) with the input of the scouts in their patrols, choose what adventure to embark on. They can go to historic sites like Valley Forge, or Gettysburg. Hike many trails like the Boston Freedom Trail or Philadelphia Constitutional Walking Tour. Go canoeing, white water rafting, spelunking, rock climbing, or visit any one of 100’s BSA Council Scouting Reservations. Some specialize in specific scouting skills and others just provide a place for the general scouting experience. They can choose from several of BSA ‘s High Adventure Scout Activities at Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier, Florida Sea base, or the Summit. Exploration is up to the Scouts, they choose the what, when and how high to reach on any adventure. Let the exploration begin.
When men look back at their time in Scouting, they say that Scouting built their confidence; that they gained the courage to overcome problems and adversity throughout their lives. Most Scouts, especially those with five or more years tenure inScouting programs, rate themselves as having excellent self-confidence.
Boy Scouts is built on the principle of the Patrol Method. A group of boys is organized into a patrol, they elect the Patrol Leader, and he appoints an assistant. Members of the patrol are assigned jobs like Scribe, or Quartermaster. The patrol functions as a unit learning, camping, and working together to further the aims of scouting. They as a patrol learn how to function as a team to accomplish a goal together. They learn each other’s strengths and weakness. The patrol uses this camaraderie to help each other be successful. A Group of patrols make up the Troop. The troop builds on the patrol method. Now the patrols help the troop accomplish its goals. The Boy scouts of America foresters and embraces the concept of Team Building.